The Johnstown area is working to improve its water quality in an ongoing, region-wide remediation project to reduce flows to the Dornick Point Sewage Treatment Plant as mandated by the PA Department of Environmental Protection. The goal of the project is to reduce sanitary sewer overflow.

As an August 2019 Tribune-Democrat article explained, about 40% of the public sewer main work has been completed in Westmont as of August 2019, but a legal dispute with a contractor delayed the remainer. Old Westmont Neighbors asked Westmont borough for an update on the sewer project, and is pleased to share Mayor Robert Callahan’s response.


Fellow Westmont Neighbors,

I hope all of you are having a happy and healthy New Year. I have been asked by Old Westmont Neighbors to give you an update on the status of the Westmont Sanitary Sewer project. There are three components of the sewer project: Borough Mains, Residential Laterals, and the ongoing legal dispute.

Borough Mains are currently on hold, due to ongoing legal matters. However, the Borough has elected to move on to a new contractor to complete the remaining work. Snyder Contracting, a construction contractor known to municipalities across the Johnstown area, has been awarded a bid for the remaining amount of the contract without any additional cost to the Borough. They are eager to begin work, and shovels should be hitting dirt this month depending on weather conditions. We are hopeful that the remaining mains will be completed as soon as possible.

Borough Laterals are progressing steadily as well. As of the January Council Meeting, roughly 40% of laterals have been completed. The 1,000th application was hit in mid-December, with roughly 1,300 more properties to go. Lateral compliances will continue throughout this year and next year.

Finally, the legal dispute between Westmont and IPR (the Borough’s former contractor) trudges on. The Borough and IPR are sitting down in February to arbitration and should be resolved shortly.

2020 will be a year packed with construction – we ask that you be patient with us as we work towards upgrading all of the sewer lines within the Borough. The residents of Westmont deserve nothing less than the best service, and we strive daily to maintain the highest standards of excellence. God Bless and Happy New Year.


Robert Callahan, Mayor