As of tonight, Cambria County is added to Gov. Wolf’s stay at home order as together we work to avoid spreading the coronavirus. We would also like to let you know that the Mound Playground is CLOSED — it has been shown that the virus can live for extended periods of time on hard surfaces. Please do not meet in groups to play basketball or otherwise socialize at the mound. The playgrounds and track located at Westmont Elementary School are also closed.  We are fortunate, however, to have Stackhouse Park and our beautiful neighborhood to walk and run in.  Please DO go outside, get fresh air, and take walks/go for runs observing appropriate social distancing!

Our neighborhood is also hosting a virtual Easter Egg hunt, to help make up for the fact that in-person egg hunts can’t happen in groups this year. To take part, create a window Easter egg and hang it from a window where it can be seen from the street. Kids and adults will have fun finding them! So please: create an egg and hang it up!